Application of leading-edge LiDAR in AR technology

  • 发布人:
  • 发布时间:2021-06-02
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Apple's combination of DOF based LiDAR and AR technology indicates that LiDAR has achieved commercial integration and cost control, which not only brings new vitality to AR technology, but also broadens the application range of Lidar. In this issue, Furui and you discuss the application of Lidar in AR technology.
In March 2020, the new ipad pro released by Apple Inc. attracted a lot of attention, largely because of its innovative introduction of "Lidar scanning" as an image acquisition and positioning tracking module for AR technology.

▲2020 ipad pro LiDAR scanner introduction
The LiDAR used in the new ipad pro is mainly based on dTOF (direct time-of-flight measurement) technology, which has faster response speed, higher accuracy, better anti-interference ability and longer sensing range than iTOF (indirect time-of-flight measurement) technology.
However, the liDAR detection technology based on dTOF has high processing cost, larger volume and difficult integration, so the traditional liDAR detection is often used in scenes with low integration requirements. For example, the Furu optical FO-RSF-R100 scanning laser can achieve high-precision scanning of the surrounding 360° environment, which is widely used in robot vision, unmanned driving, regional warning and other fields.
▲ Free-Optical FO-RSF-R100 360° scanning high-precision single-line Lidar
The ipad pro uses VCSEL (vertical cavity surface emitting laser) and combines with Apple's precision machining technology, making it possible to apply lidar to electronic products and promote AR technology into People's Daily life.
What is AR?
Basic information:

Chinese name: Augmented reality
English name: Augmented Reality
Date of birth: 1950s and 1960s
Strengths: Seamlessly integrate virtual objects or information into the real world, bringing an immersive interactive experience
Main working principle:
 Image acquisition module collects realistic environment images and uses algorithms for pre-processing;
 The registration tracking and positioning system tracks the target in the real environment in real time to ensure that the virtual object is superimposed to the real environment with the correct perspective relationship;
 Virtual objects are placed in the correct position and rendered by the rendering system, which seamlessly integrates the rendered information into the real environment through the virtual Fusion Reality system.
How can AR technology be applied in life?
Nowadays, online shopping is very popular, but the clothes bought by pictures may not suit your body; Buying offline not only takes time to queue for fitting, but also it is very troublesome to change.
AR technology can make the fitting process easy and fun.
▲ Amazon AR fitting

In addition to AR fitting, major brands have also launched AR shoes, AR makeup, AR watch, etc., to bring consumers a better consumption experience.


The menu based on AR technology can show the food in a three-dimensional form, which is more authentic than the picture display, and can help customers more clearly perceive the size, color and shape of the food.
▲ AR Menu

Nowadays, AR real estate display and AR house viewing have been very popular, which has brought great convenience for people to choose a house.
▲ Kunshan German Industrial Park AR digital sand table
Apple's official AR decoration has brought great changes to the field of home improvement, users can scan the room through lidar and create a 3D model of the room, you can view the effect of different furniture in the room, effectively solving the problem of furniture style, color, size, placement.
▲ipad pro 2020 AR renovation

Navigation is essential in today's social travel, but the traditional navigation can only obtain the user's location information, often appear to arrive at the destination but also in the vicinity of the trouble, especially in the 4D magic city of Chongqing, navigation is almost useless.
AR navigation can mark the route directly in the real environment, and can clearly guide users to change lanes, turn, go up stairs, etc., which greatly facilitates people's travel.
▲AR navigation
AR technology can display virtual objects in real space, which can help students understand knowledge that is difficult to imagine.
AR helps children understand galaxies
Medical treatment
In the medical field, AR 3D displays help doctors better understand patients and make diagnoses more accurate.
▲Complete Anatomy Real-time muscle exercise effect display

In the medical field, AR 3D displays help doctors better understand patients and make diagnoses more accurate.
▲Complete Anatomy Real-time muscle exercise effect display

The emergence of AR games allows players to get up close and personal with virtual characters, bringing immersive gaming experiences.
▲AR mobile game Pokemon Go

Lidar and AR technology complement each other and promote each other, will promote the development of the entire industrial chain, stimulate consumption and production, make lidar technology more popular, make AR technology further development, will inevitably give birth to more application scenarios, bring more convenience and happiness to people's lives.