What is single-line lidar and what can it do?

  • 发布人:
  • 发布时间:2023-01-04
  • 关键词:lidar
Since the application of lidar in robotics, AGVs and other industrial fields has accelerated people's awareness, the topic of lidar has been continuous. So, what is lidar and what can it do?
LiDAR knowledge points
Now lidar in the civilian market is generally divided into single-line lidar and multi-line lidar.
Single-line lidar is actually a laser transmitter (the wiring harness emitted is a single line), plus a rotating scanner. The scanned is a two-dimensional plane diagram (2D laser), which is mainly used in robots, AGVs, security, and logistics for a wide range of industrial applications.
Multi-line lidar: refers to the simultaneous transmission and reception of multiple lasers of laser rotation ranging radar, the market currently has 4 lines, 8 lines, 16 lines, 32 lines, 64 lines and 128 lines, etc., multi-line lidar can identify the height information of the object and obtain the surrounding environment 3D scan map (3D laser), mainly used in the field of unmanned driving.
A maturing market
As an indispensable sensor in the field of artificial intelligence, lidar is equivalent to the "eyes" of humans, helping to determine the position, size, external morphology and even material of objects, and plays a pivotal role in the entire artificial intelligence industry. Known as the "eye of the machine". Looking at the single-line lidar market, due to meeting the user's demand for cost and performance, service robots, AGVs, AMG and other fields have blossomed everywhere. The future is full of infinite possibilities and huge imagination. New applications are constantly being excavated in security, transportation, intelligent road administration and other aspects.
According to the [Prospective Industry Research Institute], the annual revenue of China's lidar market will increase from 349 million yuan in 2018 to 446 million yuan in 2022, with unlimited potential and unlimited expectations.

Wide range of applications

 Intelligent transportation
The automatic vehicle detection system based on lidar detector can realize the measurement of vehicle high-speed, contour and vehicle type, and can be widely used in the protection of high-speed rail bridges above highways, national highways, provincial highways, etc., as well as viaducts, culverts, tunnels and other road sections with height limit requirements in urban areas. At the same time, lidar can realize railway anti-rockfall, climbing protection, platform boarding and landing and other applications.

Service robots
As an indispensable and important sensor in service robots, lidar has good directivity and high focus compared with image and ultrasonic ranging, and is currently the most reliable and stable positioning technology. LiDAR sensors acquire map information, build maps, and realize path planning and navigation.

Smart port
LiDAR can realize the collision avoidance of short-distance cross-shore aircraft in the port, realize the detection and sorting of containers, and help them accurately secure transport vehicles. Unmanned transporters equipped with lidar can detect obstacles on the road, and when obstacles such as pedestrians and cars appear in front, they can remind the transporter to slow down and stop to prevent accidents.

Security guarantee
In terms of security protection, hardware devices such as lidar and high-definition video surveillance technology, combined with advanced neural network algorithms, realize the active detection of illegal intrusion in the perimeter, trigger the monitoring center and send alarm information. It is convenient for security personnel to take timely pursuit actions.
LiDAR can guide AGVs to judge the best path, easily avoid obstacles and reach the destination smoothly, and at the same time do not need to install additional reflectors, which has the advantages of high positioning accuracy, high path flexibility and high intelligence.

Localization of single-line lidar
In the past, the domestic TOF radar relied on foreign imports, but also in 2016, one of the national "stuck neck" technology, many lidar manufacturers are trying to change this situation, by changing the design of the lidar sensor, Free from the source of technology to solve, in 2018 to break this neck technology. Now it has the ability to independently design light source, machinery, software, algorithm and machine production and testing.
In addition to the technical threshold, the yield rate of lidar also seriously affects the cost. The assembly process, sequence, materials used, and adjustment of workers have strict requirements for the assembly process, sequence, and adjustment of workers. In order to avoid uncertainties on the production line, Free uses automatic equipment and intelligent system assistance to add automated process flow, so as to reduce the requirements for workers' individual capabilities, control costs, and ensure quality.
When the era of digital intelligence arrives, as the core sensor of Industry 4.0, the application of single-line lidar will also achieve further popularization and landing. What enterprises need to do is to continuously improve technological innovation capabilities and product manufacturing capabilities, continue to provide advanced technology and innovative products to the market, and realize the sustainable prosperity of LiDAR.